5 Signs That Say You Need To Visit An Orthopedic

· Health

If you are not aware of who orthopedics already are, they are the doctor for your muscles, joints, and bones. There must have been times when you have experienced pains and aches in your body. And in most cases people go to their primary care physician. However, that is a bad practice as your primary care physician is not expertised in treating any orthopedic issues that you are facing. It is only the best orthopedic surgeon in Gurgaon who can help you with these conditions and symptoms. Having said that, here are four signs that you should book your appointment with an orthopedic. 

  • Sciatica

It is a common low back pain that you can experience throughout your leg and it may even pass into your feet. This condition is often caused by a slipped disc. The slipped disc aggravates the sciatic nerve which causes severe pain. Although in many cases the pain can go away, if it lasts for more than a month, you need to go to an orthopedic doctor to discuss your treatment options.

  • Repetitive Strain Injury 

When you have poor posture or engage in forceful and repetitive motions, you end up overusing certain muscles in your body which results in repetitive strain injuries. These injuries generally affect the hands, arms, neck, and back area. Some people even suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome which is a common type of repetitive strain injury. This syndrome affects the nerves and muscles of the hand. Other symptoms of these kinds of injuries include tingling, stiffness, and tenderness. An early diagnosis by the best orthopedic surgeon in Gurgaon can effectively treat the condition and prevent worsening of the situation. 

  • Lower Back Pain

Whether it is a sharp pain or a dull ache, lower back pain is common among at least 80% of adults. There are various factors that can lead to such conditions like a sedentary lifestyle, age-related spinal changes, and lifting heavy objects. Although lower back pain should not last for more than a few weeks, one should see an orthopedic surgeon right away. In some serious cases, the condition is accompanied by chills, fever, and sudden weight loss. 

  • Hip Pain

When your hip pain goes to the extreme and prevents you from moving around, it is time for you to look for the orthopedic doctor in Gurgaon near me. The hip pain can be due to injury or arthritis. Such pain requires professional treatment that only an orthopedic surgeon can provide. You can even go to the emergency room if you experience intense hip pain or find it impossible to stand. 

Wrapping Up

Whether you have a symptom or pain that is affecting your muscles, joints, or bones, an orthopedic specialist can help you greatly. Beside these conditions, you should look for an orthopedic doctor in Gurgaon near me if you experience knee pain, shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, and other similar joint or muscle pain. At Miracles Healthcare, you will find the best orthopedic specialists with the right training, knowledge, and experience to diagnose and treat your condition the best.