Best knee replacement surgery facility in Gurgaon

Knee replacement surgery is not an easy thing. It requires the unmatched expertise of the best knee replacement surgeon in Gurgaon to pull off this kind of intricate procedure. Miracles health proudly shares that our knee replacement surgery package is the most promising and good value for money. It is the best destination for the knee replacement procedure and assures you better healing.

TKR or total knee replacement explained

Knee replacement, also called knee arthroplasty or total knee replacement, is a surgical procedure to resurface a knee damaged by arthritis, shares the Best knee replacement surgeon in Gurgaon.

Often used for people who have severe arthritis or a severe injury, the procedure entails removing the part of the knee severely affected and replacing it with an implant. 

The aim of the procedure is to relieve the severity of the pain that cannot be fixed with medication or treatments, as well as to regain function in the knee. The goal of knee replacement surgery is to relieve knee pain that cannot be controlled by other treatments and to restore function in severely damaged knee. 

The procedure is a bit complex and requires extra care while performing. It is best done with the help of the knee replacement surgeon who is well-trained and well-read with the procedure. At Miracles Health, we have the most promising team of surgeons and assistants, physiotherapists, etc. who do their best to make the patient stand back on their feet.

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Who qualifies for the knee replacement surgery

The best knee replacement surgeon in Gurgaon explains that this surgery is not meant for one and all. It is recommended only after thorough diagnosis and deep understanding of the severity of disease. A lot of other factors like age, and co-morbidities are taken in consideration to stipulate the success of the operation.

Patients eligible for this surgery have: 

  • Knee pain and stiffness that interferes with daily living and has not responded to appropriate nonsurgical treatments, such as exercise, weight loss, physical therapy, medications, steroid injections, and bracing. Pain prevents you from sleeping or doing normal activities. 
  • Knee deformity, such as bow-legs or knock-knees, that has resulted or been exacerbated by knee joint degeneration
  • Chronic inflammation and swelling not improving with medicines.
  • Excessive daytime sleeping and learning issues as a result of poor quality sleep

Complications following a Knee replacement surgery are low. Severe complications occur in less than 2% people. Some complications are:

  • Infection
  • Implant problem
  • Blood clots
  • Neurovascular injury
  • Continued pain

A patient can be deemed ineligible if they fall into any of the following categories: 

  • Morbid obesity
  • Medical co-morbidities
  • Active infection
  • Psoriasis/ dematitis around the knee
  • Peripheral vascular disease

Top knee replacement surgeon delivering successful operations always

We have on our board the best knee replacement surgeon in Gurgaon who can carry out the procedure with unmatched precision. 

The team takes care of the finest details pertaining to the surgery. With the best hands coming together, the patient can have the ultimate experience and assurance that they will come out of surgery fine, and will recover well faster. When you are entrusting the knee replacement to the best people, your chances of leading a normal life again brighten up; it is exactly what we try to deliver at Miracles Health.

Reach us for the best knee replacement surgery and advice

Miracles Health is there to help you all 24 hours. You can call us, write to us or interact with our live chat executives to put queries and get appointment of the best knee replacement surgeon in Gurgaon. It is surely going to be a firm step towards a better bone and joint health.