ENT: Why Everyone Should Get Checked

· Health

ENT commonly stands for Ear, Nose, and Throat. Problems with these parts of our body are very common. Whether it be a common cold or allergies and infections. A rough estimate indicates that about 20% of the Indian population has issues with the ear, nose, and throat. These issues may range from simple infections and allergies to serious respiratory illnesses. This is why people need to visit ENT doctors. A simple search using an ENT doctor near me will get you to the closest doctor for a check-up. 

The Risks of ENT issues

ENT conditions range from minor conditions to major conditions, however, in certain cases these may be life-threatening. Any good ear doctor in Gurgaon will agree to this statement. The common life-threatening issues are categorized as A, B, and C problems that are:

  • A - Stands for Airway obstruction or compromise. This often occurs due to foreign bodies which have been inhaled, epiglottis, quinsy, anaphylaxis or angioedema, croup, and facial fractures,
  • B - This refers to difficulty in breathing due to croup or foreign body entry, and,
  • C - Stands for circulatory compromise. This type of problem is generally referred to in cases of hemorrhage for instance occurring epistaxis from facial fractures, secondary hemorrhage after ENT surgeries, for instance, tonsillectomy. 
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When Should I Visit an ENT?

You may need to see an ENT when you are experiencing some of the following problems:

  • Hoarseness in your voice: 

While this is not particularly alarming if it gets fixed in a week or two, an extension beyond two weeks is concerning. Thus, an ENT check-up is important. 

  •  Difficulty in Swallowing:

 This is called Dysphagia and refers to a condition where one may experience difficulty in moving food or liquids from the mouth to the stomach. 

  • Snoring with or without sleep apnoea:

 Snoring or interrupted breathing for more than a period of 10 seconds may also be a cause of concern. These are generally related to risks of high blood pressure, heart conditions, and stroke. Symptoms include concentration problems, bouts of anger, and morning headaches. 

  • Other problems: 

These include a loss of hearing, either full, gradual, or partial; painless swelling on the neck which lasts more than two weeks; and breathing difficulty. Persistent cough, facial pain or headaches, recurrent nosebleeds are also plausible reasons to go for a check-up. 

How do I find an ENT Doctor?

You can consult your local doctor and general physicians also recommend doctors. However, finding doctors recently has become easy. A simple search saying ENT doctors near me will give you the closest suggestions for good doctors. Along with this to find an ear doctor in Gurgaon you can easily consult with us as we have an exclusive panel of ENT specialists ready to help you out. 

We recommend that if you have been experiencing any of the problems that have been mentioned, go for a check-up immediately. As the adage goes, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Frequently Asked Questions:-

  • What does an ENT stand for?

ENT commonly stands for Ear, Nose, and Throat.

  • How do I find an ENT Doctor?

You can consult your local doctor and general physicians also recommend doctors. 

  • When should you go to an ENT?

You may need to see an ENT when you are experiencing some of the following problems Hoarseness in your voice, Difficulty in Swallowing Etc.