Types of Diagnostic Services Included in Radiology

· Health

Non-invasive diagnostic imaging allows doctors to examine patients without resorting to intrusive procedures. With these tests, physicians can check how well your internal organs are working, how your joints are moving, and much more. The results of diagnostic imaging may be used to confirm the existence of illness, assess the extent of damage, and plan future surgical operations. During examinations, radiologic technologists assist patients. We've selected some of the most frequent diagnostic imaging procedures and methods of the radiology lab near me to give you an idea of what to anticipate from radiologic diagnostic services. 

5 Major Diagnostic Services in Radiology 

1. X-rays 

X-ray is a catch-all word for various diagnostic imaging exams, althoughit is by far the most frequent imaging test used in hospitals. X-rays are used for a variety of purposes, such as identifying the origin of pain, assessing the severity of an injury, monitoring the development of a disease, and gauging the success of therapy.

In order to take an X-ray, a small quantity of radiation is directedtowards a specific area of the body. The radiographer must ensure the patient isn't hindering picture quality by wearing metal accessories or a form-fitting outfit. The next step is to place the patient appropriately. When everything is settled, it is time to capture images for further evaluation by specialists.

2. Radiological Procedure: Computed Tomography 

CT scans, sometimes called CAT scans or computed axial tomography scans,provide cross-sectional images of the human body to medical professionals. In comparison to a standard X-ray, the cross-sectional pictures provide more clarity. When anything unusual emerges on an X-ray, a CT scan is often requested as a further step.

The patient is wheeled into the middle of the CAT scanner's massivedoughnut shape, where pictures are captured. Patients may be given a contrast dye to consume orally or intravenously during some diagnostic procedures. When everything is set up, the technician will place the patient on the scanner bed and exit the room. The subject is carefully transported through the scanner while it is operated by a technician from an adjacent control room.

3. MRI 

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is another technique that may be usedfor cross-sectional imaging. In the same way, a CT scan can see bone; an MRI can image soft tissues like organs and tendons. While CT scans employ ionizing radiation, MRIs use radio waves and magnetic fields instead. Traditional MRIs involve radiation, while radiation-free alternatives take less time to perform. CAT scans may be done in as little as five minutes, but MRIs might take up to half an hour or more.

In this system, patients are transported on a table that slides down atube. The technician positions the patient so that the desired part of their body is directly above the magnet. The technician may need to calm anxious patients who may experience claustrophobia during the magnetic resonance imaging scan. The noise level in an MRI scanner may be rather high. Thus, it's not uncommon for patients to be given earplugs or earmuffs. The patient and technician may talk to each other throughout the test, thanks to the two-way transmitters.

4. Mammogram 

In the fight against breast cancer, both preventative (screening) anddiagnostic (diagnostic) mammograms are available. If mammography shows anything is wrong, it is initially detected by a screening mammogram. Diagnostic mammography is performed to rule out cancer when a lump or breast thickening is discovered. Fighting a disease like breast cancer requires early diagnosis.

The best Radiologist in Gurgaon practices for technologistsvaries from one kind of test to the next. It is common practice to take many pictures of each breast for breast cancer screenings. However, the technician takes many more photos from various angles during diagnostic evaluations. Doctors may inspect any questionable regions by magnifying the photos.

5. Tomography PETscans 

A positron emission tomography (PET) scan, often known as a"cell-by-cell nuclear medicine" scan, is similar to illness detection in the body. Radioactive tracers are infused into the patient as part of the treatment. By using a PET scanner at the radiology lab near me, the tracers reveal issues that could otherwise go undiscovered until they worsen.

Tracers may be administered through injection into a vein, inhalation ofgas, or ingestion of a particular combination, depending on the treatment. Tracers have to make their way through the body. Thus, scanning has to wait for roughly an hour. The procedure involves the patient lying on a table that is slid inside an O-shaped machine. In preparation for the procedure, the technician will tell the patient when to remain still and when to hold their breath.


There is a need for a new crop of radiologic technicians in thediagnostic imaging industry. Fortunately, you don't need X-ray vision torecognize that it's a promising field of work and find the best Radiologist in Gurgaon.