What Are the Common Complications in a Normal Delivery?

· Health

More often than not, complications in childbirth sound worse than they are. We all know that delivery is highly different from what they show on TV and in movies. In reality, each pregnancy and childbirth is different, and the problems associated with the process may also be different. As much as pregnancy is a life-altering experience, complications may arise right before or after the delivery. So ensure to search for only the best delivery doctor near me before you pack your maternity bag.

Problems may arise 

Experiencing complications during pregnancy or after delivery must not be taken lightly. Complications may include perineal tears, abnormal heart rate of the baby, labor that does not progress, water breaking early, or perinatal asphyxia. If you go through any of these complications, you may require a skilled doctor to assist your situation by monitoring closely and intervening as and when necessary. In all probabilities, if you are experiencing a difficult pregnancy, it is best to consult with a delivery doctor for a normal pregnancy. Let us see the common pregnancy complications in a normal delivery. 

Abnormal heart rate of the baby

Many times an abnormal heart rate of the baby during labour does not necessarily mean that there is a complication. The delivery doctor will likely ask you to switch positions to help the newborn get more blood flow. In cases of more significant complications, the woman might need to go through an emergency cesarean delivery or an episiotomy. 

Labor that does not progress

Sometimes when contractions weaken, the cervix may not dilate in a timely manner, or the newborn's descent in the birth canal may not proceed smoothly. If labor progress is complex, the delivery doctor may give you medications to speed up labour and increase contractions. 

Perineal tear

During delivery, the woman's vagina and its surrounding areas are likely to tear. When a tear is more severe or if you have had an episiotomy, the delivery doctor will help repair the tear using medical stitches. 

broken image

Umbilical cord issues

Sometimes the umbilical cord may get caught on the infant's arm or legs as it travels through the birth canal. Typically, a delivery doctor would intervene if the cord gets wrapped around its neck before the infant comes out. 

Early water breaking

If labor does not start within the standard 24 hours of the woman's water breaking, the doctor for normal delivery is likely to induce labour. Additionally, chances of getting infected may increase if the water breaks before 34 weeks of pregnancy, the woman needs to be monitored in the hospital.

Perinatal asphyxia

Perinatal asphyxia occurs when enough oxygen is not delivered to the foetus in the uterus or if the newborn does not get sufficient oxygen during labour or delivery or right after birth. The delivery process may require extra attention and care. 


Even though a normal pregnancy is not as difficult as a high-risk pregnancy, there can be certain complications with the mother, the baby, or both. Do a quick search on 'delivery doctor near me' to get immediate medical attention.